An incredibly liberating and unusual thing to say in our modern times is, “I am not worried about debts.” According to a recent survey, 68% of adults in America who are in debt say that they don’t know if they will ever be free from debt. If you have numerous outstanding loans, harassed by collection calls and finding it difficult to keep up your monthly payments then there are many options before you and one such option is debt negotiation.

What is Debt Negotiation?

Debt Negotiation is a process to negotiate with an individual who owes money and the creditors they owe money to and for communicating different options for settling the amount owed.

Debt negotiation can be a powerful tool and often results in the individual paying off all unsecured loans and his debts for less than the total amount owed or opting for a new plan that is designed to make it easier for the debtor to make payments on the amount owed.

Unlike credit counseling and debt consolidation which requires an individual to repay his debts in full, debt negotiation allows the debtor to dramatically reduce his/her debt and for lesser monthly payments.

There are many factors that come into play in a debt negotiation program. These factors are an individual’s income, type of debt, duration of the debt, the state you live in and your age etc.

Royal Debt Negotiation-How Does it Works?

If you are facing tremendous stress due to your credit card debts and other unsecured loans like hospital bills, personal loans and auto repossessions you need to take your first step towards debt negotiation and get your finances back on track.

This is where professionalism and expertise are required.


The Process
  • One of our experienced and specialized debt negotiators will review your debts and financial situation and work with you to decide on a low affordable monthly plan that is unique to your needs.
  • Once you are approved for our program you deposit the quoted settlement into your Dedicated Account that is solely in your name and remains under your control.
  • As your payments start to accumulate in your dedicated account our professional experts will then use their skills and tactics to “haggle” with each of your creditors’ to settle for much lesser amount than you owe and guarantee the payment of the offered amount.
  • Once an attractive debt settlement is negotiated we will inform you immediately and once you approve of this the funds will get released from your dedicated account and paid directly to your creditor.
  • One by one all your debts will be negotiated for less than the balance owed, settled and paid off. You will get a written proof every time a debt is paid off and we will then move forward working dynamically to get you on the road to freedom from debt. It will take 24-48 months depending on your financial situation.

The Process

  • You do not have to pay multiple creditors but deposit a one-time low payment each month into one account.
  • It will help you to pay off your debts more quickly and start your own recovery more quickly as well.
  • Debt negotiation program will remove excess fees, reduce your monthly payments, lower your interest rates and simplify bill paying process.
  • Creditors’ cannot come back at a later date and legally collect on the amount saved or settlement debt.
  • Our negotiators will demand everything in writing from your creditors’ and thus protect you and ensure that your debts are paid off forever.

Call us for Free consultation, analysis and honest evaluation of your debt problems and if you decide to join our program we will help by giving you a debt relief plan that relates to your financial situation.