Budgets are no doubt a key factor in money management. A good budget can be a huge help if you are paying down debt, bulking up your savings or just trying to get a better handle on your money. But budgets rarely ever work because they leave little or no margin for error. They are also time-consuming to set-up, tedious to manage and very exhaustive. But there is one simple budgeting trick you should try. According to the billionaire investor, Warren Buffet “you should not save what is left after you spend, but…continue reading →
Starting to Save for Retirement after 50: Key Factors to Consider
Hitting the milestone of your 50th birthday may jostle your mind to think ahead to your retirement years. A landmark that felt out of reach a decade ago starts to feel closer with each passing year. Life’s circumstances like financial setbacks from personal or health crisis, student loans, debt and family care may have forced many to put off dealing with their retirement plans. But, the most common reason is a postponement. This does not mean that you are doomed. As per a study by The Insured Retirement Institute, only 54% of boomers(age…continue reading →
Can I be imprisoned if I Don’t Pay My Debts?
At one time you could have been imprisoned for outstanding debt and faced a catch 22 situation, but the Debtors’ prison has been illegal in the United States of America since 1833. So thankfully, nowadays you cannot be jailed for nonpayment of “civil debt” like a credit card, personal loan or hospital bill, but there are a few exceptions. You can be forced to go to jail for not paying your taxes or child support. Consumer debt rights have come a long way and consumers are protected and have certain rights. Debt collection…continue reading →
How to Stay Out of Debt with a Low Income
You do not have to be in debt because you have a low income. It does take a bit more hard work to stay debt free when you don’t earn much, but it can be done. If you have worked hard to get out of debt and have had the taste of what it is like not to have a monthly interest payment for maybe the first time ever, you should do your best to avoid bad debt and move forward. What is the best way to stay out of debt with a…continue reading →
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