Royal Debt Relief’s Truth and Transparency Disclosure
We believe in truth and transparency and have provided on this page a few points towards that end.
25 Years Of Combined Experience
We have 25 years of combined expertise and experience to deal with clients’ debt issues and have an excellent track record. We have built a reputation for working devotedly and fighting tooth and nail to bring our clients out of debt and into a better financial situation. We have settled over millions in debt and helped thousands of our clients to reach their goal of freedom from debt.

We Offer Total Transparency
Before you agree to become our client we want you to understand exactly what you are agreeing to by answering all your queries and make sure you get the help you need to pay off all your debts. You will not be pressurized and can take your time to decide on the program best suited to your needs. We are here to make sure that you reach your goal with the help of our qualified staff.

What percentage of clients continues to get collection calls while in the program?
Banks and debt collectors require collection calls as a tool to pressurize clients to make payments and as a part of the charge of the process. That is why clients may continue to receive such collection calls while in the program. However, Royal Debt Relief provides education to their clients and enables them to mitigate such calls and keep the calls to a minimum. Our goal is to stop harassing calls and get creditors to call us instead of you, by following various strategies like prompt follow up and negotiations with the creditors.

Real Counseling and Solutions
There is no one “size fit approach” to debt relief as everyone’s situation is unique. A customized analysis is required before selecting a debt settlement which is appropriate to suit ones’ individual needs as a debt settlement program which works for some may not be appropriate for many others. Our experienced counselors at Royal Debt Relief will assess your situation and offer you advice and guidance based on your financial situation. Our professional partners will help you solve many of your debt issues.

No Credit Checks
You are eligible to join our program if you are in financial hardship and you can afford a program payment within our guidelines. We will definitely help you and if we can’t we will offer you free advice on how to go about paying off your debts.

What is the average length of time to complete the program?
The time taken to complete the program varies from individual to individual and depends on many factors like:
- Debt amount.
- Ability to pay monthly payments.
- Financial situation.
- How fast you can build up your settlement funds.
Taking all the above factors into account it will take you between 24-48 months to complete the program.

What is Royal Debt Relief’s Customer Satisfaction?
We have excellent customer service and our clients’ opinion means a lot to us. We collect feedback from our customers so that we do not miss an opportunity to improve our services. Customer satisfaction can be judged by our customer reviews.