5 Simple Cuts to Curb Your Spending and Boost Your Savings

Financial management can be a difficult task in today’s fast-paced world. According to the CNBC Your Money Financial Confidence Survey, carried out in collaboration with Momentive, 58% of Americans, or more than half of the population, now live paycheck to paycheck. The survey also revealed that a much higher percentage of respondents, roughly 70%, claimed they were anxious about their finances, primarily due to the rising interest rates, inflation, and economic uncertainty.

Presumably, if you belong to this large group, you are also facing financial difficulties. However, little adjustments to your spending patterns can add up to substantial savings over time. Here, we will explore five simple cuts that you can implement to curb your spending and build a healthier financial future.

1. Coffee Shop Treats: Brew Your Coffee

One of the easiest ways to save on unnecessary expenses is by re-evaluating your daily coffee routine. Instead of splurging on expensive lattes and cappuccinos at your local coffee shop, consider investing in a high-quality coffee maker and brewing your coffee at home. Not only will this save you money, but it can also become a delightful morning ritual.

And if you like another cup when you are out or at work, take your coffee or latte from home in an insulated travel mug. It will save you several dollars a day, which adds up.

2. Cut Back On Dining Out

Frequent dining out can have a negative financial impact. Challenge yourself to cook at home more often as it is cost-effective and healthier. Plan your meals, create a shopping list, and buy groceries in bulk to save even more.

Also, to have meals for the week, consider preparing enough food which can be reheated. Cooking at home allows you greater control over your ingredients and portion sizes, contributing to your financial and physical well-being.

However, while completely stopping eating out is an option, it is not necessary. You can save on your dine-out expenses by dining out occasionally at places that offer meals at special discounted prices. Many restaurants provide complimentary dinners, meals, or a side dish on birthdays and anniversaries. Also, you can search for a place that offers happy hour specials if you and your colleagues are going out for drinks. Additionally, you can locate a location offering BOGO (Buy One get one free) and visit there with a friend to grab afternoon coffee.

3. Subscription Services Audit: Trim Unnecessary Subscriptions

In the era of digital content, it is easy to accumulate various subscription services for entertainment, streaming, and more. Take your time to examine your monthly subscriptions and identify any that you can live without. Consider canceling redundant or underutilized services to free up funds for more essential aspects of your life.

4. Transportation Tweaks: Optimize Your Commute

Evaluate your transportation costs and look for ways to optimize your commute. Consider carpooling, using public transportation, or biking to work. These options will save you money on fuel and maintenance and contribute to a greener and more sustainable lifestyle.

5. Impulse Purchases: Implement the 24-Hour Spending Rule

Impulse purchases can quickly derail your budget. To combat this, create a 24-hour spending rule to stop yourself from making rash purchases. Give yourself a day to consider your options if you see something you want to buy. (Of course, you could always try waiting for an extended time, like a whole week or a month.)

Establishing a waiting period makes sense because it allows you to reconsider whether the item is necessary or just a fleeting desire. Often, you will conclude that you do not need or want the item in question! It looked fantastic at the time, but, in retrospect, it’s just more clutter. You know you have given it enough thought if you’ve waited patiently and determined you DO want the item.


Cultivating a mindful approach to your spending habits can have a profound impact, on your financial well-being. By making these five simple cuts – brewing your coffee, cutting back on eating out, auditing subscriptions, optimizing your commute, and implementing the 24-hour rule –you have the power to take charge of your finances and create a more secure future for yourself. Small changes today can lead to significant savings tomorrow, allowing you to achieve your financial goals.